We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for raising over 2 million for Mercy Ships. You’ve outdone yourselves again!

­­Double the trouble, twice the joy Due to lack of proper nutrition, conditions like that of Ousseynou and Assane are not uncommon in nations we serve. Through direct surgical care and a focus on training local agricultural trainers, Mercy Ships desires to treat the effect and the cause of many of the conditions we see
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Ousseynou and Assane
I am really enjoying the hands on nature of the work while bringing something more to the job through my previous experience as a chief engineer. Engineers Australia member Mick Dunne is serving as a volunteer crew member on board the MVAfrica Mercy, the world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship, recently featured in an SBS television
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Living and working on a mercy mission
Amina and her children Elodie, Marie and Jacques In 2001, the crew of our first hospital ship operated the young Amina of cataract, giving her back her sight and at the same time a whole new perspective on the future. But who would have thought that in 2017 our paths would cross again and we
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Generational Hope
Link to the french version Benin (2016-2017): an increasing number of participants in our Medical Capacity Building training program. Mercy Ships has already visited Benin 5 times. Benin ranks 166 out of 187 countries according to the United Nations Humanitarian Development index.   Zoom on Benin Life expectancy is 61 years. High fertility rate with
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Results of our mission in Benin 2016 – 2017
William patiently waits as the bandages from his right eye are removed. The 29-year-old sits perfectly still as his eye is wiped clean. He slowly opens his eye as everyone in the room, including his wife and five-year-old son, wait with bated breath. Silently everyone wonders the same thing:  “Did the surgery restore William’s vision?”
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Restoring William
Viewed from the left side of her profile, Muriella’s natural beauty made her stand out in the screening crowd of over a thousand. With her trendy clothes, fashionable long hair and typically self-conscious 17-year-old manner, she could have been standing in a high school cafeteria line in any high-income country. But as soon as the
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Changing Muriella’s Story
Eighteen-year-old Fanjakely arrived at the Mercy Ships patient screening with a look of total despair in her eyes and unsmiling hopelessness on her face. It had always been her dream to be a mother. When she was fifteen, her captivating features and grace caught the eye of a handsome farmer, and they were wed. Not
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Fanjakely’s Fairytale
Blandine was alone when her candle slipped off the bedside table, fell on the surrounding mosquito net, and engulfed her room in flames. The 22-year-old woman recalls that terrible night. “There was oil in an open bottle – a liter and a half of it – I didn’t know it was there.” Motioning upward with
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Fire! (Blandine)
My name is Simone, and this is the story of my youngest child, Israel … After thirty hours of labor and a last-minute C-section, my first son was abruptly brought into the world. But as quickly as he came in, he was taken away by the nurses because I was in such a bad condition.
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Israel’s First Victory
Zakael grins from ear to ear. On a very hot summer day in Madagascar, the seven-year-old wears his shirt open, revealing a small surgical scar just above his left collarbone. He wears the scar proudly . . . a symbol of where he has been and where he is going. “I want to be a
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What a Difference a Week Makes – Zakael
“It was the stunning World Cup victory in 2010 which brought me to name my son after football coach José Mourinho,” says Maurinho’s dad. It makes sense, then, when his mom describes her son’s competitive nature. “When Maurinho says that he wants to achieve something, he will not back down until he gets it done.
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Maurinho in First
In places without access to proper medical care, orthopaedic conditions in children are unfortunately commonplace. Birth defects go uncorrected. Bone breaks are rarely correctly set and mended. Life changing surgeries and physiotherapy relieve suffering caused from deformities and neglected trauma. Because of this programme, children all over Africa are able to run and play, and
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Orthopedic Program
William patiently waits as the bandages from his right eye are removed. The 29-year-old sits perfectly still as his eye is wiped clean. He slowly opens his eye as everyone in the room, including his wife and five-year-old son, wait with bated breath. Silently everyone wonders the same thing: “Did the surgery restore William’s vision?”
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Story of William
Cyriane often watches as her older sister puts on her shoes. Cyriane’s reaction is always the same – she wants to wear shoes just like her big sister! Sadly, born with severe clubbed feet that are bent inwards at 90 degree angles, it’s impossible for Cyriane to wear shoes – except on her hands! “She
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Cyrianes Joy
Although Fenosoa’s family live in the same Madagascan village, he shares a hut with his grandfather. Why? “Because he loves me,” explains his grandfather, Papa Denis. Fenosoa was born with a cyst on his side. For five years it grew along with the little boy, sometimes making him lose his balance. Papa Denis heard a
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Fenosoa and His Grandpa
The tiny nine-year-old struggled into the Mercy Ships admissions tent. Fifalina’s legs seemed to be slowly folding beneath her. They could no longer hold her erect. Her mother, Ludvine, says Fifalina’s legs were normal at birth. However, when Fifalina started to walk, she often fell, and Ludvine noticed that her legs began to curve. Fifalina’s
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Fifalina: Pint-Sized Courage
Preparing to land, the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) plane dipped its wings over the Mercy Ship, but Viviaby was oblivious. She focused on comforting her tiny daughter. At almost seven months old, Haingo weighed only 2.2 kilograms (4.8 pounds). She was severely malnourished because of her cleft palate. Crammed full of courageous love, Viviaby had
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Haingos Story Continues
Rosella’s father watches as a plane bounces down the roughly constructed dirt runway. Landing a plane in this remote region of northwest Madagascar is not an easy task. But it is no more difficult than the father’s five-hour journey on foot to reach the makeshift airstrip. As the pilot steps out and secures the lightweight
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New Hope for Rosella
Prinscio was two when he took his first steps, walking on the tops of his twisted feet. Born with bilateral club feet, he developed this curious gait to get around. He was ashamed of the way he moved, and he would declare, “Don’t talk about my feet!” to anyone who stared. In every other way,
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Beautiful Straight Feet
Senegal A small description To give the desire to the user To know more,
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A Dance for Serah

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